
Magnetic Personalities: What The Future Holds

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in New Queer’s Eve, showing through December 16!

Today we asked the ensemble: Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?


Dwight Chiles | Director

This is the end of my theatre season!!! I have been incredibly lucky to be a part of many wonderful stories told this season. 3 of which were here at the Magnetic. Happyland, Splatter Play and New Queers Eve. Thank you Magnetic for allowing me to be a part of your season. I will miss this stage that many folks have called home for a number of years. And I look forward to what the future brings.


Adam Olson | Performer

None coming up to speak of but I do have some projects early in the works, if you want to follow me on Instagram you'll be the first to know!


Luca Hinton | Performer

Check out the Rocky Horror Music Show, and follow us for info on next years awesome season of good dirty fun.


Rachel Fralick | Performer

Nothing specifically, but we all know auditions are around the corner for 2024! 😉


Jason Phillips | Lead Playwright

I am looking around to see what 2024 will bring, nothing set in stone yet but I'm hoping to finish writing the play I have been working on for awhile.


Quinn Terry | Performer

Nope! Happy to close the year out here :)


Dakota Mann | Stage Manager

My next year is pretty open, so if anyone is reading this, and have my email, feel free to reach out and we'll talk!


And our amazing costumer designer, Kayren McKnight: Jeeves takes a Bow at NC Stage.

Thanks for reading these blogs, you lil readers ;) We look forward to a new year, a new format, and your continued love and undying devotion!

Get your tickets for New Queer’s Eve and support these amazing performers before they go on to the next amazing thing!

Magnetic Personalities: Flirtations Are Afoot

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in New Queer’s Eve, showing through December 16!

Today we asked the ensemble: Hal is hitting on you at the bar...what do you do? (And yes, Luca, Hal can hit on himself.)

For those of you who haven’t seen the show yet: Hal is the resident (possibly immortal) bartender in the show!


Erin McCarson | Performer

Flirt, duh! Big Daddy energy!


Dakota Mann | Stage Manager

As the awkward duck I am, I probably would just be wide eyed, say "thanks," then walk away...


Adam Olson | Performer

Play hard to get, but not too hard.


Luca Hinton | Performer

Hal would absolutely hit on himself and have fabulous Dr. Manhattan style sex with himself in the bar after closing. Imagine the possibilities.


Jason Phillips | Lead Playwright

Honestly it would depend on what era Hal is making the moves. When someone spends decades changing emotionally but not physically you want to catch them at their well adjusted best.


Rachel Fralick | Performer

Play along with a little flirting, but ultimately assume it’s for another ✨magic mystical immortal bartender✨ reason and start to prove for answers.


Quinn Terry | Performer

Well, normally I can’t tell people are flirting with me - but since Hal is pretty obvious with his sexual energy I think I would deflect at all costs! Have you heard about the way that trees communicate to each other via root systems and look out for trees that are their children and grew from seeds they dropped?! See? SEX AVERTED!


Sex! We’ve all had it! Definitely me, the blogger! For sure! I know all about it!

Get your tickets for New Queer’s Eve and watch Hal flirt with more of the characters than you thought was possible!

Magnetic Personalities: Whatcha Drankin?!

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in New Queer’s Eve, opening TONIGHT, 12/1!!

Today we asked the ensemble: The play is set in a bar - so what’s your favorite drink?


Alec Shull | Performer

A Boilermaker - cheap shot of tequila and a cheap beer.


Dakota Mann | Stage Manager

Jim Beam and Coke!


Dwight Chiles | Director

When I do drink, which isn’t often, my fave drink is a Pimm’s Cup.


Quinn Terry | Performer

If I’m out in a fancy place, I go for a Lion’s Tail. Bourbon and allspice dram? Sign me up. But if I’m out at a dive bar I go for Miller High Life - the champagne of beers.


Luca Hinton | Performer

Whiskey on the rocks.


Morgan Miller | Performer

A French 75!


Erin McCarson | Performer

Jameson on the rocks.


Adam Olson | Performer

Dark and Stormy.


Rachel Fralick | Performer

An Old Fashioned because I’m an old person at heart.


What a varied crew! What’s your favorite drink?!

Get your tickets for New Queer’s Eve and watch a bunch of characters drink THEIR favorite drink in a queer bar through the ages ;)

Magnetic Personalities: A Meal With A Hero

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in New Queer’s Eve, opening this Friday, 12/1!!

Today we asked the ensemble: If you could have a meal with one queer person throughout history, who would it be and why?


Luca Hinton | Performer

Only one?? You can’t make a useless non-binary, bisexual, vers, switch like me choose! I’ve never made a single choice in my life.

Sappho. Why not? Let’s go with the OG.


Dwight Chiles | Director

Sondheim came to mind first, so I'm going with that!


Rachel Fralick | Performer

Freddie Mercury, to hear more about his life and experience more of a safe space than was possible in the time he lived.


Jason Phillips | Lead Playwright

Oscar Wilde. For better or worse there would seriously be no modern gay culture without him. He was so smart, creative - and those are some amazing quips. It would be a fun evening and I'd want him to know how much he meant to me coming out and really being myself.


Adam Olson | Performer

Johnathan from Queer Eye. They're so sharp, witty, and sassy and they'll see right through me. I would love to pick their brain and have mine dissected. And maybe get some aesthetic advice because I really need it.


Morgan Miller | Performer

Trixie and Katya.

Both, nothing less.


Erin McCarson | Performer

Divine! I want to know everything! I want to make art together. I want to taste whatever she's eating. I want to hear all the stories. I want to try on her clothes!


Quinn Terry | Performer

Leslie Feinberg. After reading Stone Butch Blues I would just love to talk to Leslie about how to keep living, despite it all. How to keep fighting. What an inspiration.


Our amazing costume designer, Kayren McKnight, was on the same wavelength as our lead playwright, Jason: “Oscar Wilde - His writing is so ridiculously fabulous.”


Oscar Wilde wins the pot! Of what? Who knows?!

Get your tickets for New Queer’s Eve and come find out a little something of queer history, or tell us something you already know!

Magnetic Personalities: A Golden Quandary!

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in New Queer’s Eve, opening this Friday, 12/1!!

Today we asked the ensemble: You're walking down the street and...what's that? A golden coin glints on the ground. No one else seems to see it. Do you pick it up?!


Quinn Terry | Performer

I pick it up and become the new version of Willy Wonka. I'll do whatever it takes to become the candy magnate of my dreams. I will follow in the footsteps of William Wonkus and make sure children ~almost~ die in hilarious candy-related accidents. I will develop a lot of cavities. But I will NOT. MAKE. A. GLASS. ELEVATOR.


Dakota Mann | Stage Manager

Hell yeah, I'm taking that coin! It's glinting and gold. Who wouldn't in this situation...


Rachel Fralick | Performer

In this economy? Of course!


Erin McCarson | Performer

Yes. I will not bend over for a penny, but I will for a golden coin. This is a euphemism.


Jason Phillips | Lead Playwright

I'm sure I would risk the curse of the leprechaun and try to pick it up.


Adam Olson | Performer

If it is real gold, or a token tenderable towards an arcade with Dance Dance Revolution, it's mine.


Luca Hinton | Performer

Morality, in this economy?!


Our amazing costume designer, Kayren McKnight, had a short and sweet response: “Yes.”


I agree, Kayren. Sometimes a simple yes, and is all we need in our day to day lives…and on the improv floor.

Get your tickets to see a golden performance! See what I did there?! Hello? Is this thing ON?!

Magnetic Personalities: Queer Culture!

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in New Queer’s Eve, opening this Friday, 12/1!!

Today we asked the ensemble: What’s an aspect of queer culture you enjoy?


Rachel Fralick | Performer

I love that there is more broad acknowledgement and communication about what makes a person unique, lovable, and desirable. When sexuality and gender binaries are removed, it broadens the spectrum on which we’re all able to appreciate each other for our individuality.


Luca Hinton | Performer

One of my favorite things about queer culture is the found family and mutual support. So many of us struggle with not having support in our bio families and rally around one another in a way I find to be beautiful.

Also, the fashion.


Adam Olson | Performer

Love, all the love, unabashed by shame.


Dwight Chiles | Director

The chosen family. Queers have had to create their own family structure from the beginning. We are good at it. It's one of our best qualities.


Dakota Mann | Stage Manager

I love the inclusivity and camaraderie that usually appears in the queer community.


Morgan Miller | Performer

The people!!!!


Jason Phillips | Lead Playwright

I think queer culture means many things to many people, but the thread that runs through it that appeals to me is the defiance. The fact that the very act of just being who you are meant to be can be an act of defiance to the norms.


Welp…I’m crying. Who’s going to finish writing this blog?!?!

Get your tickets to see queer love, joy, community, and life on The Magnetic stage!

Magnetic Personalities: What's Up Next, Splatter Crew?!

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in The Splatter Play, now extended through October 28!

Today we asked the ensemble: Do you have any upcoming projects that we should check out?


Jason Phillips, Uncle Ivill

Come back to The Magnetic for the holidays and check out New Queer’s Eve, a collection of queer stories based around New Years Eves through time. Conceived by me and co-written by Abby Auman, Eli Hamilton, Mickey Poandl and me!


Daniel Moore, Hames Blonde

Not anymore. I’ve been beheaded.


Erin McCarson, Mr. Levinsky

Next up, I'm donning my gay apparel in New Queers Eve at The Magnetic Theatre.


Ashleigh Goff, Mother Ironwood/Lethalia Abbums

NO!!! 🤣 For the first time in just over two years I don't have ANYTHING coming up on the calendar!! I need a break, but it will likely be a short lived one b/c I cant stay away from the theater long.


Dwight Chiles, Harlowe Dexter-Ward/Mom

Up next I am directing New Queens Eve here at The Magnetic!!!


Evan Eckstrom, Stage Manager

My schedule is pretty clear after Splatter. We'll see what comes up!


Morgan Miller, Tina

New Queers Eve, Dec 1-16 at The Magnetic Theatre!


Zach Knox, Composer

Check out Supatight on Spotify and come to a Smooth Goose show as soon as you can!


Melon Wedick, The Realtor

Next up, I'll be directing everyone's favorite Christmas play, TWELFTH NIGHT, with the Montford Moppets! What's that? You thought it was about pirates? It isn't! Nope, definitely a holiday show, holly jolly and all that.


Jered Shults, Box Office Manager/D4-DDY/Agent

Nope, ending on a good one.


Quinn Terry, Production Assistant

Catch me in New Queer's Eve right here at Magnetic in December ;)


And here’s what some other members of our amazing crew said (they defied all attempts at photos!)

Brandon McIver (Set/Special Effects): Not as of yet.

Abby Auman (Playwright/Light Design): I wrote a section of New Queers Eve, which will be playing here at The Magnetic in December. You should come watch it and see if you can guess which section!

Amanda Brown (Scenic Design/Pooky Egg Maker): I will be working on The Magnetic’s New Years play! And I will probably do a holiday market with my stained glass.

Sarah Hajkowski (Dramaturgy/Assistant Stage Manager): Daw, shucks! If so inclined, you might keep tabs on, which keeps track of most of my doings, including recent articles for the online Erato magazine, a full-length stage play entitled Bite of a Rattle Snake, and whoever knows what more!!


Be sure to keep your eyes on all of these amazing talents!

Get your tickets while you still can for the LAST WEEKEND of The Splatter Play!

Magnetic Personalities: The Cast of Splatter and Working at The Magnetic

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in The Splatter Play, now extended through October 28!

Today we asked the ensemble: How is working with The Magnetic different from working with other theatres?


Ashleigh Goff, Mother Ironwood/Lethalia Abbums

Working with Magnetic is different because it feels like every show is a complete company. Everyone shows up and everyone invests themselves and their energy into the work. It is so creativity conducive to true ensemble


Melon Wedick, The Realtor

Magnetic has heard of the W-9 form, MY GOD have they heard of it. Wowsers. Their filing cabinets must be capacious indeed.


Evan Eckstrom, Stage Manager

Everyone really has each others' backs and is willing to teach / learn / listen to each other. The flexibility to try new things in a supportive environment has been unparalleled.


Zach Knox, Composer

Other theatres are always like, “Hey! We told you to get that sandwich out of here!” And even when you’re like, “this is a different sandwich” they just hose you down and then you’re all wet for the night. The Magnetic doesn’t even have a hose.


Quinn Terry, Production Assistant

Profit share is unreal! Truly game changing. Also, TMT isn't afraid to listen and collaborate with every person involved in a show. It's really refreshing and hard to find anywhere else.


And here’s what some other members of our amazing crew said (they defied all attempts at photos!)

Brandon McIver (Set/Special Effects): I'm new so still figuring that out. I do love how community based it is.

Sarah Hajkowski (Dramaturgy/Assistant Stage Manager): The Magnetic is a deeply hands-on, collaborative experience across production and performance roles. Each time we're generating something entirely new together. It's always exciting and scary to develop a new story for sharing with others.

Amanda Brown (Set Design/Pooky Egg Crafter): I don't know, I've never worked with other theaters! So they are the best.

Christine Caldemeyer (Costume Design): The Magnetic is one of those hat-trick theaters that takes very little and creates something incredible. I also love that it’s one of the few places in town that does original work. I know of many playwrights locally because of them.


Short and sweet, just how we like to keep our blog posts!

Get your tickets and come see what makes The Magnetic special to YOU!

Magnetic Personalities: The Splatter Crew Spills Their Movie Faves!

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in The Splatter Play, now extended through October 28!

Today we asked the ensemble: What is your favorite B-side horror movie? (Or C or D-side, we don't judge!)


Erin McCarson, Mr. Levinsky

Hausu, although I would argue it's A+!


Dwight Chiles, Harlowe Dexter-Ward/Mom

Fave B, C or D horror movie...anything with a zombie in it.

Love Zombies.


Ashleigh Goff, Mother Ironwood/Lethalia Abbums

Yes. All of them. I love them all. Hatchet has a special place in my heart...


Daniel Moore, Hames Blonde

B-Horror? Hmm… that’s tough. A lot of what is B-horror now wasn’t at the time of release, or it was and no longer is. I’ve been a horror buff since I was a very young kid, my mom worked at a movie rental store in the 90s/00s and I watched every single horror movie they had. My favorite horror franchise of all time (for many reasons including nostalgia) has to be Scream, I’ve loved them ALL! Don’t fight me about it, you won’t win. My second favorite franchise of all time is Friday the 13th. Look, Freddy is awesome and Robert Englund is a horror icon but I’ll take Jason Voorhees over Freddy any day. The original 3 Jason movies are staples in the industry and the rest are absolutely bonkers! I will always choose a straightforward slasher over a supernatural film any day of the week.


Skyler Goff, Dr. Diabolus/Romero Abbums

Clive Barker's Nightbreed.


Evan Eckstrom, Stage Manager

The Leprechaun trilogy is corny as heck, but I love it. Jennifer Aniston is involved in the first film, which is funny to me.


Jason Phillips, Uncle Ivill

Elvira: Mistress of the Dark.


Zach Knox, Composer



Morgan Miller, Tina

Scary Movie.


And here’s what some other members of our amazing crew said (they defied all attempts at photos!)

Christine Caldemeyer (Costume Design): It’s a toss-up between Bats, and the Tremors series. I love a good bad monster movie.

Brandon McIver (Set/Special Effects): Dead Alive.

Abby Auman (Playwright/Light Design): I collect Vincent Price movies, and my favorites vary depending on mood, company, whim, planetary conjunctions, and snack pairings.

Amanda Brown (Scenic Design/Pooky Egg Maker): Slither!


What about you, dear reader?

Get your tickets to Splatter and maybe….it’ll be your new favorite!

Magnetic Personalities: Splatter Stories to Read/Watch in the Dark

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in The Splatter Play, now extended through October 28!

Today we asked the ensemble: What book/TV show/movie scared you as a kid?


Skyler Goff, Dr. Diabolus/Romero Abbums

Carrie by Stephen King and the Brian DePalma film.


Jered Shults, Box Office Manager/D4-DDY/Agent

The Great Mouse Detective.

The baby doll was terrifying.


Jason Phillips, Uncle Ivill

When a Stranger Calls.

I never wanted to babysit again.


Daniel Moore, Hames Blonde

Oooooff! I’m always hunting for a good scaring or scarring…some of the more unsettling films I’ve seen in my time are: Megan is Missing, The Machinist, HC2: Full sequence (iykyk & I’m sorry you had to go through that), Antichrist, Funny Games (Austrian version), Cannibal Holocaust, Faces of Death, Terrifier 1 & 2, and possibly the most unsettling of all on this list…Martyrs. Full warning: these movies are not right for everyone and some of them are not right for ANYone, read about the trigger warnings and watch at your own risk.


Erin McCarson, Mr. Levinksy

Unsolved Mysteries! Specifically, the episode with the big eyeball on the TV.

Hell no, y’all!


Evan Eckstrom, Stage Manager

There was a series within R.L. Stine's Goosebumps books about a wooden ventriloquist's dummy that was murdering people... That was big time nightmare fuel. The hazmat suit squad in ET got me good too because the first time I watched that I had a high fever and they FREAKED me out!


Ashleigh Goff, Mother Ironwood/Lethalia Abbums

Oh God! So much!! I was addicted to horror and the macabre as a kid. But the very beginning, the planting of the seed, was Are You Afraid of the Dark. To this day, as a grown ass adult, I still have a visceral reaction to porcelain dolls, a painful twinge when staring into fires, and a healthy respect for abandoned bodies of water.


Zach Knox, Composer



Dwight Chiles, Harlowe Dexter-Ward/Mom

Nightmare on Elm Street. I was fine with everyone else except for Freddy, he killed you IN YOUR NIGHTMARES. One time my family was going to Blockbuster (RIP) and there was a cardboard cutout of Freddy at the entrance and I refused to enter the building.


Morgan Miller, Tina

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. but I still couldn’t put them down! So good!


Quinn Terry, Production Assistant

The Goosebumps book about that freaky puppet!!!!! Ugh!!!!


And here’s what some other members of our amazing crew said (they defied all attempts at photos!)

Christine Caldemeyer (Costume Design): Oh, the haunted pool episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark? I was on a swim team for most of my summers until middle school, and the idea of being grabbed while doing laps and jerked down to the bottom of that Olympic pool filled me with dread.

Brandon McIver (Set/Special Effects): The Exorcist.

Amanda Brown (Scenic Design/Pooky Egg Maker): I was not a scared kid. I read all of the Goosebumps books and watched The Shining at age 10. The only thing I found creepy was the childcatcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Sarah Hajkowski (Dramaturgy/Assistant Stage Manager): We don't talk enough about "Scaredy Cat," the 1948 Looney Tunes cartoon where Porky Pig owns Sylvester as a pet and relocates them to a Gothic mansion. Herein, the most messed up, sadistic mice you've seen since Itchy and Scratchy are silhouetted in shadow with axes...coming to kill Sylvester? What even??


Man….I don’t care what anyone says. That Goosebumps puppet was the worst.

Get your tickets to Splatter and enjoy a rip roaring NOT SCARY good time. There ARE puppets, but they aren’t evil….or are they….

Magnetic Personalities: Splatter Babies and Two Roads Diverged in a Bloody Wood!

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in The Splatter Play, now extended through October 28!

Today we asked the ensemble: You're walking alone in the forest and reach a fork in the path. One side is so dense and bramble coated you're not sure if you can make it through. The other shows glints of sunshine in the distance, but you hear a peculiar humming noise. Which do you choose?


Morgan Miller, Tina

I’m going with the other side with sunlight - for one, I’m a nosy bitch (and subsequently definitely the first to die if life were a scary movie) so I’d want to know what the humming was, and two, I’m certainly not going through those brambles - too much work for my taste and I’m not trying to catch poison ivy again.


Dwight Chiles, Harlowe Dexter-Warde/Mom

Sunshine baby! What humming noise...?


Ashleigh Goff, Mother Ironwood/Lethalia Abbums

Um, I keep walking straight down the path thank you. No dark scaries or peculiar humming necessary.


Erin McCarson, Mr. Levinsky

The sunny clear humming path, duh. I have a weak ankles and no sense of direction. Dense nature would be impending doom!


Daniel Moore, Hames Blonde

Definitely the humming noise. I’m not playing Jumanji here, I’m walking alone. I’ll take my chances not in the thicket of death, thank you.


Evan Eckstrom, Stage Manager

I bust into those brambles right quick when the siren's song tries to infect mine ears!


Jason Phillips, Uncle Ivill

Dense forest every time.


Zach Knox, Composer

Sunshine and humming! It’s probably a hum choir in need of another baritone!


Jered Shults, Box Office Manager/D4-DDY/Agent

The path with sunshine. Rather deal with some bit of the known vs the unknown.


Skyler Goff, Dr. Diabolus/Romero Abbums

You fool. You forgot the third option; curl up in a fetal position and refuse to choose.


Melon Wedick, The Realtor

Brambles. For sure. Everyone knows humming is evil and sunshine is a trick!


And here’s what some other members of our amazing crew said (they defied all attempts at photos!)

Christine Caldemeyer (Costume Design): I’ve been slinking through brambles since I could walk, I’ll be fine. It’s the humming that unsettles me.

Brandon McIver (Set/Special Effects): Definitely the bramble side.

Abby Auman (Playwright/Light Design): You should come towards me. Don't you like my humming? We can be best friends! Ok look, the screaming is unnecessary.

Amanda Brown (Scenic Design/Pooky Egg Maker): The sunlit hum for sure. I'm the white lady.

Sarah Hajkowski (Dramaturgy/Assistant Stage Manager): Sunlit path please! I will hum with the peculiar forest noisemaker and we will become friends!


Well well…seems only some folks know how to survive in the woods!

Get your tickets and be in a theatre where the woods can never threaten you again! Be free of the mortal coil!

Magnetic Personalities: The Splatter Cast Survives(?) An Evi- Fringe...Lab

For each production at TMT, we like to ask our cast and crew members a few questions, so we and you can get to know them better! Some questions are standard. Some are specific to the show these folks are working on. Some are biographical, some are philosophical, and some are completely off the wall! But all of these questions provide a little insight into the wonderful artists that make up our Magnetic community.

See what these colorful creatives have to say, then grab your tickets and come see them in The Splatter Play, now extended through October 28!

Today we asked the ensemble: You're stranded in an evil villain's lab. What's the one thing you take with you to survive? DO you survive??


Melon Wedick, The Realtor

I bring a lab coat, so I can blend in!

I now work for the evil villain full time, no benefits. Sigh.


Skyler Goff, Dr. Diabolus/Romero Abbums

A book of 101 Tips for Performing.



Jered Shults, Box Office Manager, D4-DDY, Agent

Captain America and yes I do survive!


Jason Phillips, Uncle Ivill

Mind control spray.

Oh, I will survive, just turn around now ‘cause you’re not welcome any more!


Evan Eckstrom, Stage Manager

My vape pen. I'd survive a series of near (and inadvertent) misses, but no I'd bite it for sure.

I think I'd be to excited about the contraptions to realize I was in danger.


Zach Knox, Composer

Drink every available liquid. I’ll either transform into the most terrifying monster in the lab, or I’ll die - denying the monsters the satisfaction of killing me themselves.


Daniel Moore, Hames Blonde

The Ultimate Nullifier!

Don’t worry, fans of Victor Von Doom will get that reference.


Erin McCarson, Mr. Levinsky




Ashleigh Goff, Mother Ironwood/Lethalia Abbums

A copy of Grays Anatomy.

I will assimilate!!


Dwight Chiles, Harlowe Dexter-Ward/Mom

My best friend, Erin McCarson.

We do not.


Quinn Terry, Production Assistant

I would quit immediately.

There would be no question of fighting to survive, my heart would simply stop!


And here’s what some other members of our amazing crew said (they defied all attempts at photos!)

Brandon McIver (Set/Special Effects): My evil villain disguise. Fingers crossed.

Abby Auman (Playwright/Light Design): The power of love. No evil villain can resist my charms. Then I take the lab in the divorce.

Amanda Brown (Set Design/Pooky Egg Crafter): I don't trust my reflexes to handle a gun so probably something like a hammer. I'd like to think I would survive but I can't even send my food back.


Wow….what a sampling of the human condition.

Get your tickets and come see if YOU could survive!